Practice Schedule

Beginning January 13, 2025 and ending April 11, 2025

Kendo - Beginners I & II: 

January 16, 2025 April 10, 2025 7:30 PM 9:30 PM Th Dance Studio (KNA 163)

Kendo - Intermediate to Advanced:

January 13, 2025 April 7, 2025 7:30 PM 9:30 PM M Dance Studio (KNA 163)
January 17, 2025 April 11, 2025 7:00 PM 9:00 PM F Dance Studio (KNA 163)


If you are considering joining our club, you are welcome to stop by and watch one of our regular practices. We also offer up to two free trial classes for new beginners at the start of each semester, which you can register for through the University of Calgary website.

Our Dojo

Established in 1972, the Calgary Kendo Club is offered through the University of Calgary simultaneously as a sports club and through their Active Living Program.  The club is recognized by the Canadian Kendo Federation (CKF) so our students can be nationally accredited as well as internationally through the International Kendo Federation (FIK).

Members can be from the general public as well as students of the University.  Anyone is welcome to join!


The Calgary Kendo Club is available to perform Kendo demonstrations as part of your cultural, school or corporate events. In addition to performing Kendo our members can address your attendees if you wish and provide information on Kendo, its history and key points of interest.

Please contact our club directly by email.

Q: What is a Demonstration Like?

A: A Kendo demonstration often begins with a short talk by one of our members on Kendo history in Japan and Kendo the modern art.

The various parts of the armour and weapon are discussed along with the basic strikes/targets. A volunteer from the audience can be dressed in full armour and they can then be a part of the demonstration. When demonstrating at a school for example, a volunteer teacher is always exciting for the children. The volunteer will be given a brief opportunity to hit and be hit.

Once the basics of Kendo have been reviewed a short and real demonstration of Kendo is then performed by Kendo club members. This demonstration usually begins and ends with proper ritual and etiquette.

Depending on time allotted this entire demonstration can be tailored to be long (30 minutes+) or short (10-15 minutes). The longer the demonstration the more we can offer.

Q: How far in advance should the demonstration be booked?

A: Our members are not professional demonstrators and they are usually being taken away from their regular jobs or classes especially if the demonstration is being held during business hours during the week. In arranging a date for your demonstration we ask that you be able to provide a selection of dates or times of day so that we can match one best suited to our members.

Book your demonstration as early (weeks/months) as you can. 

Q: How many demonstrators are expected to attend?

A: We welcome as many of our members as possible to perform at our demonstrations. It is necessary to have at least two members attend for an effective demonstration. We prefer three or more members attend in the event that one person is required to speak to the audience while others perform.

If you require a minimum number of demonstrators please let us know.

Q: How much space is required?

A: The Kendo demonstration needs to be held in a large area with high ceilings. A square of twenty feet by twenty feet would be a good size of area. The ceiling should be at least 12 feet high and be clear of hanging lights, fans etc..

Kendo is normally performed on a bare wooden floor but we have given demonstrations on floors with tile and carpet although this is less preferred. Because the practitioners are in bare feet we ask than the area be swept or mopped clean.

Q: Can the Demonstrators Teach Kendo to the Students/Audience?
  • With very strict instruction and mature students it is possible to give attendees a taste of what Kendo feels like.  Much like throwing someone into a boxing ring with boxing gloves on and an opponent.  They will learn what it is like but they will not have learned "how" to Box.
  • Talk to our demonstration organizers and tell them what you are hoping to achieve and they will work with you to find a suitable arrangement if possible.
Q: Is there a fee for demonstrations?

Members willing, we provide demonstrations as a community service and as a promotion for our club to attract new members. Any donation to the Kendo club is gratefully appreciated but not expected. Depending on the nature of the event we may ask your permission to distribute Kendo Club pamphlets to interested attendees.

Q: What do you need to know?

A: When you arrange for a demonstration please supply us with the following information:

  1. Time
  2. Place
  3. Contact person name(s)
  4. Nature of your event
  5. Demographic of the audience
  6. Location within the building for the demonstration
  7. Where can our members park their cars
  8. Where in your building can our members change clothing
  9. How long is the demonstration to last
  10. What are your expectations (education, culture, sport, martial arts)
  11. Special instructions
Q: How do we prepare our site for the demonstration?

A: Please let your staff or organizers know we are coming. A small group of people entering a building/school with big black bags is probably something to be mentioned ahead of time.  Let your staff and organizers know where the demonstrators can change out of their clothes and where they can wait for the demonstration to begin.

Because the practitioners are in bare feet we ask than the demonstration area be swept or mopped clean.

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