Age-kote - when the kote is held above the pit of the stomach while executing a strike.
Aiuchi - when both opponents make datotsu simultaneously.
Bogu - Kendo equipment.
Chigiri - the metal spacer in the shinai's hilt which keeps the four bamboo staves from slipping forward or backward.
Chudan-no-kamae - the basic ready position with the shinai pointed at the opponents mid-upper section.
Datotsu-bu - The tip portion of the shinai which must make contact for a valid point or yuko datotsu.
Do - the torso protector. Can be made of bamboo or other material.
Encho - An overtime or extension round in a match. Used to determine a winner when no points are scored during the normal match time period.
Fusei-shinai shiyo - the use of an illegal shinai for a match.
Go-No-Waza (Datotsu) - a parry to a valid datotsu made from Tsuba-zeri-ai.
Hajime - Begin. The command to start a match.
Hakama - The pleated pantaloons or skirt.
Hantei - A decision made by the judge or referee for a winner.
Hantei gachi, shobu-ari - a winner by decision.
Hansoku - a foul play or illegal act. Hansokus are the following:
- ashi-kake or ashi-barai - tripping or sweeping an opponent off their feet.
- kosei-o-gaisuru-koi - an illegal act or move.
- jyogai - stepping outside the court line.
- oshidashi or tsukidashi - unfair pushing or shoving an opponent out of bounds.
- shinair hanashi - dropping a shinai.
- tsuba-zeri-ai - stalling at tsuba-zeri-ai without any intention of executing a datotsu.
Hasso-no-kamae - the ready position with the shinai held vertically by the right shoulder.
Hikiwake - a draw decision in a match.
Ippon gachi - A winner by a single point in a match.
Jin-bu - The portion of a shinai from the tsuba to the front tip of the shinai.
Jodan-no-kamae - The ready position with the shinai held over the head.
Jogai - Penalty for stepping out of bounds during a match.
Kamae - the basic forward standing guard position.
Keikogi - the cotton jacket worn under the do.
Kendo-gu - the equipment used and worn by a Kendoist. Also referred to as Bogu.
Ken-sen - the front "tip" of a shinai.
Kote - fencing gloves.
Men - the head gear or "helmet/mask."
Nakayui - the leather wrap at the front third of a shinai. It keeps the bamboos stave from separating.
Nihon me - the command to restart a match for the second match point.
Nito - using two shinai, short and long.
Nito-no-kamae - the ready position when using two shinai.
Rei - a bow.
Ritsu-rei - a bow at the standing position.
San-Bon-Shobu - three point scoring in a normal shiai or match.
Sageto - holding the shinai at the left side of the body.
Shinai - a four piece bamboo or fiberglas sword used for practise and shiai. It must meet minimum weight and length specifications as noted for age and class group.
Shinai-hanashi - Penalty for dropping a shinai during a match.
Shobu-ari - A winner by a single point in a match.
Saki-gawa - the leather covering at the tip of the shinai.
Shin - the rubber spacer placed at the inside front tip of a shinai.
Shinpan - a referee.
Shobu - the command to restart a match for the match point.
Shobu-ari - announces a winner in a match.
Son-kyo - the crouching position taken just before and after a match.
Sosai - an offset when two players commit a foul as the same time and the fouls are offset - no penalty.
Tsuka - the handle portion of the shinai.
Tsuka-gashira - the bottom or handle end of a shinai.
Tsuba - the hilt guard on the shinai. May be made of leather, rubber or synthetic. It must not pass over the Tsuka-gawa or leather handle.
Taito - holding the shinai at waist level.
Tare - the waist protector.
Tsuki - the throat thrust or hit.
Tsuki-tare - the throat protector on the men.
Tsuru - the string or "himo" that holds the nakayui and tsuka-gawa together and keeps the four bamboo staves tight on a shinai
Wakki-gakame - ready position with the shinai downward and near the right foot.
Yame - the command to stop.
Yuko Datotsu - a valid strike or point. Must combine correct call, execution and follow through.
Zan-shin - The follow through of a strike, a state of energy, execution, and alertness against an opponent.
Zekken - The name tag, made of cloth or leather